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College Union

 College Union is a union of the students of the College and shall function as a purely academic body.


Aims and Objectives


  • To develop the social consciousness of the members and to promote a healthy corporate life among them.

  • To discipline them in responsible freedom and self-government.

  • To develop their initiative, self-reliance and leadership.

  • To advance the course of learning through debates, discussions, lectures, competitions etc. designed to develop the critical faculties of the members.

  • To develop in the members a taste for the fine arts.


The union shall be subject to the rules and regulations in force in the College as well as those notified by the Principal from time to time. It shall not assume the right to speak or act on subjects falling within the responsibility of the Principal. It shall not engage itself in any manner in any political activity.


All the students of the College are ordinary members of the College Union and all shall have the right to vote and contest at the elections of the College Union. All the members of the Teaching Staff of the College shall be honorary members of the Union. 


College Union Executive


Apart from the student representatives, the Executive of the College Union shall consist of the Principal, Vice Principal, a Staff Advisor and two atrs and sports co-ordinators. The election to the College Union will be done through electoral college consisting of elected representatives from each class.The members of the electoral college elect students from among themselves to the post of the Chairperson, General Secretary, Arts Club Secretary, Student Editor, two Councillors to the Mahatma Gandhi University Union and the Representatives of I, II, III Degree classes and I & II PG Classes. The meetings of the Union executive shall be summoned by the Chairperson or Secretary with the sanction of the Principal and shall be presided over by the Patron. The Student Chairperson shall hold herself responsible for the maintenance of order, decorum and dignity at all gatherings of the College. The Student Chairperson or the Secretary/s should not invite anybody from outside the College for any College function without the prior approval of the Principal.



Office Bearers of College Union

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Paliakkara, Thiruvalla
Kerala - 689 101
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